Monday, June 28, 2010

We found out some bad news this past week when we went in for our ultrasound.  She had some markers indicating a chromosome disorder and we had to have an amniocentesis to investigate what is going on and just received the results this morning.  She's been diagnosed with trisomy 13, which is very rare, and basically means there are three chromosomes in the 13th pair; there should only be two.  The prognosis for this disorder is fatal (some babies don't make it to birth, some live a very short time) and we were asked if we wanted to terminate the pregnancy, but don't feel like that is an option.  We're asking for a miracle and really appreciate you joining us in praying for this.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Week 20

We have our next ultrasound Wednesday the 23rd. We're really excited to see him/her again (there is still a 1% chance it's a boy). When the ultrasound shows absolutely no evidence of a penis, we'll finalize the girl's name. Erin eats Italian food every day (sometimes twice a day), so we're leaning towards Isabella Francesca de la Galloway. Game 7 is on, so we're done here.