Monday, July 25, 2011

It's a Girl (pretty sure everyone already knows this, though.....)!!!

Last week was a busy one, so we didn't have a chance to update the blog after informing my family that little Baby G is a girl.  If you haven't heard the news by now, you need to get on Facebook.  ;)  We had a wonderful, event-free 20 week ultrasound which we are SO (so, so, so) thankful for.  I badgered the ultrasound tech with questions while she showed us different organs and body parts (she was new to us, and didn't know our history), but she was very patient with me (maybe thought I was crazy, but patient).  James kept grinning at me because he thought the umbilical cord was something else, and thought he had the sex figured out before the tech told us, but it was in fact just the umbilical cord.  I think the tech was surprised that we took the whole "it's a girl" news without a ton of emotion, but I was so relieved at everything looking good that it did not matter to me in the slightest if she said boy or girl.  Of course, we're so excited to have another little girl, and can't wait to meet her and see her little personality start to show.  I haven't been allowing myself to go crazy buying new clothes, because we have so many outfits from my nieces and Bailey, but it's been fun to get a couple cute things here and there.  Now we have the huge task of picking a name....I'm not sure five months is enough time.  It's a slow process for us. 
The reason last week was so busy is because my entire family was in town visiting (see below).  It was fun to host Jack, Megan, Ella, and Hallie at our house and take them around The Woodlands to play, shop, and eat at all the great places we have so close to home!  I had to slightly modify my cake plan because I didn't have time to frost said cake prior to everyone getting to my house (procrastinator).  So, instead, I took Ella back into our room and gave her a little sign that said "It's a GIRL!" sent her out into the living room to share.  Then, we had pink frosted cake later that didn't have to be kept a surprise.
It's been a great couple weeks, and I'm still feeling good (although slightly dreading the return to school and thus standing on my feet all day), with the exception of just starting to feel heavy.  Ah well, it was going to happen at some point.
I'll add some pics from the week as soon as I have a chance to get them uploaded!!  Thanks for all the prayers! 

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Back to the Blog

And we're back!  A lot of people have been asking me when we're going to start the blog back up, and I guess it's about time.  I'm nineteen weeks pregnant (yahoo!) and so far I have had a relatively easy time of things.  I did have a lot of morning sickness during the first trimester (and by morning sickness I mean all-day sickness), but that subsided earlier than it did with Bailey, which I was super pumped about.  Now I'm off work for the summer (favorite time of the year, other than when I'm off work for Christmas), and that's coincided nicely with the second trimester energy boost.  I spend my day laying out by the pool, reading (not always for fun....I'm in my 2nd year of grad school), and going to the gym for a "workout".  Awesome.
We have our big mid-point ultrasound on Wednesday of this coming week, so hopefully we'll get to find out if we're having a boy or a girl, but more than that, we'll get to find out if the baby is looking healthy.  I definitely went into this ultrasound with Bailey with a very breezy, yahoo for getting to see the baby again sort of attitude, only to have everything turned upside down (to put in mildly).  So, needless to say, I do NOT have a breezy attitude about this ultrasound.  I'm a little bit nervous (again, to put it mildly), but, lucky for me, James is pretty calm, which helps me stay calm (ish).  Everything so far has looked good, and we are hoping for some great results on Wednesday.  As always, prayers are appreciated!  :)
In the meantime, my mom has been suggesting baby names that are fit for a character on Days of Our Lives (sorry, Mom, it's true), and there is some slight disagreement going on with me forcing my family to wait five extra days to know if the baby is a boy or a girl.  I'm actually going to get to tell my parents, my aunt, my brother, my sister-in-law, and my nieces TOGETHER, IN PERSON what we're having.  This is usually done over the phone, so it's kind of a big deal to have everyone in Houston at the same time.  The disagreement comes from the fact that everyone else just wants to know and they're not too concerned with my big plans for the cake with the pink or blue icing.  Well, too bad.  I'm making a cake.  (And, Becks, it's going to be Funfetti!).