Sunday, November 27, 2011

Getting Even Closer.....

Well, Cami wasn't a Thanksgiving present.  But, she'll be here on Tuesday!  Woohoo!!!  At first we were going to go in tomorrow morning to be induced, but they had to move us back a day, so now we'll head to the hospital early Tuesday morning.  Please be praying for us that things go smoothly (that my epidural doesn't wear off....) and that Cami arrives safe, healthy, and happy.  Thanks!!!!!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Getting Closer....

Just a quick update for the week....I'm having contractions a little more often, but not enough to make us wonder if we should dash off to the hospital (just enough to make sure we're relatively close by).  James didn't get his wish that my water would break before Breaking Dawn and cause us to miss it.  I'm anticipating that she comes this week though...I said bye to my students on Friday (and got a few "where are you going?" questions...sigh).  Maybe she'll be a Thanksgiving present! :)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Almost There!!!

I am 37.5 weeks along.  And I am READY for Cami to get here.  Oh, I'm sure there's something we don't have that we'll figure out we need, and I'm probably not really ready to go without sleep for nights on end, but still, I'm READY.  As in, let's do this.  Today.

Cami doesn't seem to agree (hopefully this won't be a trend) because she seems all cozy and not ready to come along at a nice early, yet safe, date like 38 weeks (or today).  In the meantime, I am waddling through the day at school and going through food faster than a heavyweight boxer.  I'm hungry all the time, which in the past has gone along with a growth spurt from Cami.  Let's save the rest of these growth spurts until you are on the outside, my dear.

The good news is things do seem to be getting started, however slowly.  Last Tuesday I had a weekly checkup and was 2cm dilated and 25% effaced.  This was better than the week before where I was 1.5 and 0%.  But, I don't feel very many contractions, so I'm not super optimistic that this Tuesday will bring about a huge change.

We've had a TON of love shown to Cami in the past two weeks.  I've had showers with coworkers, friends and family and have been given so many beautiful things for our daughter.  Everyone has been so generous, we keep joking that she's going to be spoiled and never have to wear an outfit twice.  She'll be a pretty fashionable little baby.
This is just a sampling from a shower from my coworkers!

Cami also got to "attend" her first Texans game.  She wiggled and kicked her way through the day (which may have had something to do with the brownies at the tailgate...) and that was the one day I didn't want to go into labor, so it was nice that I didn't start having contractions in the middle of Reliant Park. 

Here's a little picture of our Halloween pumpkin as well.  I felt like a pumpkin on Halloween.....will I still feel like one for Thanksgiving? :)

By the way, two AWESOME pieces of news.....two of our friends have recently had their little ones and we are so excited for them.  Becky (see "Large and in Charge") had her little girl, Zellee (Cami's future BFF), this past Friday (11.11.11!!) and Natalie and James, our friends through TX Children's, had their little boy, Kaleb.  I can't wait for Cami to meet her friends!