Wednesday, December 4, 2013

What Memory?

They say pregnancy brain is a real thing.  And I suppose toddler brain is, too.  So, if you're pregnant with a toddler, what do you get?  Idiocy?  Lots of sentences that never get finished?  Something like that.

A couple weeks ago we had a growth ultrasound for Baby Sister (who remains without a name...).  The entire time leading up to the appointment, I was sure that I didn't have a 30 week ultrasound with Cami.  I even told the doctor I didn't have anything to compare Baby Sister's stats to because Cami didn't have one (to which I got a "Really?  Hmm.." which should have been my first clue I was wrong).  I went digging back through my blog posts though because I knew I'd gone to the hospital at 26 weeks and remembered having some sort of weigh estimate for Cami then.  Good thing I wrote stuff down because I had an entire entry about my 30 (well, 29) week growth check for Cami and how cute she was and how she smiled for the camera, etc.  At any rate, Baby Sister is just a smidge smaller than Cami was at this stage (although looks like her twin) and I have a feeling she's growing up a storm right now because my stomach constantly feels stretched to the max.

Cami is getting sweeter and sweeter with her little sister.  We were reading stories the other evening and Cami stopped looking at the book, turned, placed her hand on my tummy, and said "Want to feel Baby Sister move."  I've been asking her for awhile if she wants to feel it, but she doesn't usually have the patience to sit there for very long waiting for a kick.  She finished the entire storytime, though, with her hand on my tummy, waiting to feel it.

Apparently, I had too much of a pregnancy brain to finish and post's from a few months ago.  :)

Reagan's Birthday - 11.27.13

I'm trying to make sure I get this down before I forget any of the details.  Reagan is a week old today, and even though she's pretty much Super Baby as far as giving us sleep, I've discovered that time travels much faster with two children.  And my mind is split between two children, meaning there isn't any room for what would typically be considered coherent thought.  So, if this doesn't make sense, sorry.

Reagan missed her due date of 11.22.13.  It was pretty cold and, as I've learned, she despises any form of coldness (even a baby wipe, which really isn't even that cold), I think she knew how cold it was and was firmly wanting to stay in her warm bath known as my tummy.  I kept getting fooled by fake contractions that would go on for an hour or so and then just stop and, to top it off, I had a horrible cold.  Even though I was planning on working through my due date, I took off Thursday and Friday so I could get well and be ready to go for Reagan's arrival.

The Tuesday morning before Thanksgiving I had a 41 week check up (yes, 41 week check up), and my doctor decided to do an ultrasound to check Reagan's size.  Everyone had been telling me up to this point she might be 7 lbs, maybe 7.5 if she was "big".  I didn't really think this was the case, given that Cami was big and I felt like I had the same amount of baby in me, and I was right.  The ultrasound projected her to be 8lbs, 14 oz, and my doctor asked me if I wanted to induce.  Um, yes, please.  Dr. Laden was also going to be out of town for Thanksgiving, so this way I could have her there for delivery.  

We were told to report to the hospital Tuesday night around 6pm, and I figured if I started on Pitocin pretty quickly, Reagan might make it before midnight.  Nope.  I started Pitocin around 8pm or so and took F-O-R-E-V-E-R for things to progress (well, what seemed like forever....really I didn't have that long of a labor compared to some stories I've heard).  Reagan surprised everyone just like her sisters did and I went from 4cm dilated to fully dilated in the span of about an hour (of course, my nurse couldn't "find" my cervix for a couple hours....not too sure about her skill level...I don't think a cervix can leave and come back).  They paged my doctor, she showed up about 20 minutes later, and we were ready to get the party started.  

My whole pregnancy James has joked about how easy my deliveries were for Cami and Bailey and that maybe Reagan would be the same way.  I thought for sure this would mean I would have a horribly difficult delivery with hours and hours of pushing.  Luckily, though, Reagan was just as nice to me as her sisters and came out with one push at 4:40am.  

I was able to have more cuddle time with Reagan right after she was born because she came out screaming right away.  Cami had a lot of fluid in her lungs so they'd had to take her from me pretty quickly, but Reagan was crying up a storm, so we got a longer chance to snuggle with her and say hi before she was weighed and measured.  She clocked in at 8lbs, 10.1oz and 20.5" long.  They got her all cleaned up and brought her back to me and she got to eat right away and then conked out on my chest.  

A couple hours later James went back to our house to be there when Cami woke up and told her her baby sister had arrived.  She was so excited to meet Reagan and was super sweet right away when she came up to the hospital (or hopistal, as she kept saying at first).  My parents had taken her to pick out a balloon for Reagan and she was so proud to carry that in and give it to me.  Even a week later, all Cami wants to do is give Reagan hugs and kisses and "play" with her.  I'm so glad she still sees Reagan as a good thing even after it's clear she's become a permanent part of the family.

We are so blessed to have our girls.  It'll be fun to see the similarities and differences between them as they both grow up and continue to show us more and more of their personalities. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

First Set of Wings

Cami and I have just returned from our first summer adventure.  She and I (with little peanut) took her first plane trip (and trip in general) to Georgia.  Since Cami is, um, rather active, I was more than a little nervous about how she would react to the plane.  She was AWESOME.  She loved looking out the window at the other planes, the clouds, whatever there was to see.  And both trips ended up being in the middle of the day (thanks Delta for the five hour delay) and she cuddled into my shoulder and went to sleep like a pro.  I seriously couldn't have asked for better.  Cami proudly wore her wings from the flight attendant on both flights.  

Cami was also a rather flexible traveler on her sleeping arrangements.  She has not slept out of her own bed at night in about a year, and even then it was only two nights.  So, that was another concern of mine, that she would despise her pack n' play, despise being in a new setting and we'd be up all night for the whole trip.  Not at all.  Grandma and Grandpa hooked her up with a cozy mattress for her pack n' play (one I'm glad she didn't realize would make it extremely easy for her to escape if she wanted to) and she slept like a champ, even going from Atlanta to the lake.  She only woke up and cried for about five seconds the very first night (imagine me trying to flatten myself like a pancake so she wouldn't see me since we were sharing a room) and then put herself back to sleep.  

The funniest thing about our trip was watching Cami play with her cousins, Ella and Hallie.  She remembered them from their trip to Texas in April and was much more of an active participant in their play this time around.  In April, she was a little overwhelmed by the idea that her cousins wanted to play WITH her, not just around her, but not this time.  I think Ella and Hallie enjoyed how much more Cami is talking as well (although Hallie was not happy when Cami wrecked her tea party and got "baby slobber" on the tea cups....the term "disaster" was employed).  Cami picked up a lot from them, and in the course of six days, went from answering things by repeating me to answering occasionally with a yes, no, or ok.  She's also telling more "jokes", which is hilarious.  Her "whaaat?" after saying something silly cracks me up every time.  And she knows it.

BG3 (my current nickname for little peanut) also did well on the trip by only making me a little sick.  For the majority of the time I felt really good, and was super thankful for that.  I'm showing now to the point where people are asking me when I'm due as opposed to just looking at me wondering if I've gained weight.  We have our big midpoint ultrasound at the end of the month, which I know is the "fun" one for a lot of people....not quite fun for us, more of a nail bitter...but it will be nice to see how BG3 is progressing and find out if Cami will have a little brother or a little sister.  That way she can stop calling the baby "brother/sister" like we're doing now.  :)

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

My Little Nurse and Baby on Board

To anyone on Facebook, this is not a surprise, but we're expecting Baby #3!!!  We've had one ultrasound at six weeks and everything looked good (as good as an itty bitty little poppy seed can look, I suppose), and I go back next week for a 10 week ultrasound to check growth and see if everything is still on track.  We're super excited, still a little nervous, and just incredibly thankful.  While being pregnant is amazing and I don't really want to "complain" about this little miracle, I'm in the middle of the toughest part.  At least, toughest for me; being large and in charge can be tough, too, but the first trimester for me is always the hardest.  I get SO SICK.  James is convinced we're having another girl, since I'm SO SICK yet again.  We'll see, though!  We're going to wait until the midpoint ultrasound to find out so we have awhile to wonder.

It's definitely a different experience being pregnant with a toddler running around.  At this point in my pregnancy with Cami I would come home from work, make cheese quesadillas, and park on the couch to play Final Fantasy (true story...I didn't have to move, but was entertained) until I had to make dinner.  Now, I get done with work, pick up Cami from Grandma and Grandpa's, make her dinner, give her a bath, get her ready for bed, put her to bed, and then immediately make our dinner while attempting to not be sick from smells associated with all of these tasks.  Somewhere in there we play and tickle and laugh, too.  In some ways, this is harder, but in other ways, I'm distracted by everything I have to do, so I'm not sitting around moping in my own nausea (or playing enough Final Fantasy to rival one of my 8th graders).  It also makes things go really fast, and makes me feel like Baby on Board will be here before we even know it.  If it's a girl, no biggie, we're ready.  If it's a boy, well, he might just have to wear some pink until we get it together enough to buy him his own stuff.  

Another thing that's funny about being sick with Cami on the loose is her complete and total understanding that something is amiss when I'm getting sick.  The first time she saw me get sick, she came and gave me pats on my shoulder until I was done and then bent down to look me in the eye to make sure all was well, and then leaned in for a hug.  Sweetest baby EVER.  Last night, she saw me get sick again, and this time just came over, gripped my arm and put her head on my shoulder until James was able to call her away.  She's totally calm, too, while this is going on.  Just my little nursemaid lending her support.  She was upset last night, though, that she couldn't see that I was okay before she went to bed.  She saw me get sick, but then, while James got her ready for bed, I was in and out of her room and then James put her down.  Cami started bawling.  This was not just "I don't want to go to bed" toddler fussing, this was "something is wrong and I can't figure it out and need help" bawling.  After a few minutes I want back in (which I NEVER do) and gave her some hugs and the poor little thing had tears streaming down her face and just leaned in and put her head against me.  I assured her everything was fine and left (to the restarting of the bawling) and finally she calmed down and went to sleep.  My sweet, empathetic little girl.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Rubber Legs!!

Wow, I haven't written anything down since December!  There's time flying by for you.  Cami is a drastically different baby than she was at Christmas time (although I probably should throw out the term baby in reference to her....full blown toddler around here).  She is well into her Terrible Twos, despite only being sixteen months old.  Her opinions have recently become the MOST important thing in the world and she's testing out the "if I cry really hard maybe they'll just let me do what I want because I really want it" tactic.  Her other favorite is the "jelly leg" in which she is being guided to a certain destination and her legs suddenly give out.  Being as how we, literally, NEVER give in (since these dramatic attempts usually involve non-negotiables such as diaper changes and bedtime), we're hoping this is short lived.  Naive?  Probably.

Despite all of the brief theatrical episodes, Camster is also SO incredibly loving, and becomes sweeter and sweeter all the time.  Yesterday morning I got my first "love you" back after saying I love you to her, and she loves to give a big hug and then lean back and grin at you and give another big hug.  It's adorable.  She loves to be tickled and collapses to the floor in a fit of giggles.  She's also recently started looking for my toes and/or neck to tickle.  

Cami also still LOVES her books, and, funny enough, some of her favorite ones are the ones that just have pictures and words about the world around her.  I think she likes categorizing all the words in her little mind so that she knows what we're talking about.  Not that she doesn't love a good story....two favorites are her Sofia the First and my old Little Mermaid story books.  She's become a true Disney baby and loves the princesses, especially Ariel and Rapunzel.  That might have something to do with MY love of Disney and her massive exposure to these characters.  Maybe.

Lastly, she's learning new words all the time, but her current favorites are "EAT!!!" (said loudly, repetitively, and with almost all lack of a "t"), "Papa", and "Peeaase" (please).  I told her once there was an L and drew it out like "Puh-lease" and go a "Puuuh-eeeaase" in return.  :)  Crazy baby.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Talk Talk Talk

Quick Post.....Cami can now:
Open presents.  Fairly proficiently thanks to her birthday and Christmas being so close together.
Throw her diaper in the garbage.
Help get herself dressed.
Help feed herself with a spoon (sometimes).
Say Diaper.
Say Uh-oh.
Say Turtle (well, kind of).
Say Cracker (and point to a bag of crackers).
Say Papa
Say Daddy (instead of just Da-da)
Amuse herself by playing Peek-a-boo with a napkin.
Sit quietly with her books and page through them (one of my favs).
Play chase.
Give REALLY good hugs and pats.
Walk super well, borderline RUN half the time.
Play her piano.
Shake her head no (we're working on yes).
Sit correctly when I ask her to.
Lay her head back in the tub and kick her legs.
Pick her nose because she thinks it's funny (that's a great one).
Eat more than any child ever in existence.**
Count to 100 (just kidding).

This list is more for me when I'm going back to fill in her baby book.  The blog is way faster!

**We're cutting back on milk.  In the past 24 hours Cami ate:
4 chicken nuggets, a waffle, and a bunch of peas 
2 whole eggs with cheese on them, 1/2 an English muffin, and about 3/4 of a medium sized banana
1 entire container of Easy Mac (I maybe had four or five bites), and a container of Gerber fruit.
Snack of Cheerios.
 That's IN ADDITION to all of her whole milk.  Which she drinks more of then you're "supposed" to.  I think there's a hole in her foot, I just haven't found it yet......

Friday, October 5, 2012

Oh Dear

Let me preface this entire post by saying Cami is an absolutely easy, wonderful, loving, funny, gleeful little baby.  I am sometimes amazed by how much I love her simply because I enjoy being around her.  She constantly cracks me up, and is working so hard at walking (we have a record of four steps...FOUR!) and trying so many new things to be a "big girl".  She rarely acts scared (except for those darn elevators, weird), and never makes a peep when I hand her off to Grandma in the morning.  However, this lovely, strong-willed personality is making me quake in my Sperry's as I see her become more certain of what she wants to do.

I've written before that she sometimes smiles at me when I say no and then does the action anyway.  The other night was on a whole new level.  After Cami's bath, she crawled into the bonus room.  We have a TV in there that she has been told repeatedly not to touch (as is the case with all TVs).  She crawled up, touched the TV, and immediately looked at me (she so knows what she's doing).  I said "No, no, Cami," rather loudly.  She smiled, and while looking at me with a serious "and what are you going to do about it?" look, smacked her hand on it again.  I gave her my teacher face, which easily stares down crazy, pubescent 8th graders, and said no again, louder.  SMACK.  Turn.  Smile.  At this point I decided it was time for a hand pop.  She knows what she's doing, she knows what "no" means, let's do this.  I walked over, said no, and popped her on the back of the hand.  SHE LAUGHED.  While looking me in the eye, she laughed.  AND THEN DID IT AGAIN.  So I popped her a little harder, and she laughed again.  Sigh.  This clearly has no effect at this point.  I proceeded with the tried and true "get as far from the TV as possible" strategy and we went downstairs.  Where she started messing with the blinds in the living room.......