Thursday, August 25, 2011


We had an eventful day with Baby G today.  I am right at 26 weeks, and went to the third day of school excited about the fun little lab I was doing with my students (who seem REALLY great this year).  Everything seemed normal.  Then, after hearing a couple times "class was so fun today!", I was walking down the hallway and  - bam -  felt like my water broke.  Ummmm.....that's not supposed to happen yet.  So I pulled my co-workers into the workroom and explained the situation, and within about 10 minutes I had called my doctor's office and was off to St. Luke's labor and delivery per the nurse's instructions.  And, oh yeah, I was freaking out.  This is the second time I have been surprised by the phrase "you need to go to labor and delivery now."  When I am 37-40 weeks pregnant and someone says this to me, I will be fine with it, but right now it's not what I want to hear. 

They quickly got me checked in over at St. Luke's and immediately got me strapped in with a HR monitor for Baby G.  I was SO happy to hear that little heart beat (since I had no idea what was going on).  After a few more checks, they said my amniotic fluid levels were fine, my cervix is all closed up as it should be and everything was good.  My water didn't break (I won't get graphic), this can just happen sometimes (chalk it up to some of the really strange things that happen during pregnancy).  While checking my fluid levels, Baby G was checked out too via ultrasound and she's right on track for 26 weeks and doing great.   We also got further confirmation that she is, in fact, a little girl (since she was moving so much at the 20 week ultrasound I wondered).  So, things were looking up, we were happy that our little girl was doing so well and not in any danger.  After the ultrasound they strapped me back up to the HR monitor and contraction belt to monitor for a bit, and the nurse curiously asked me if I felt any cramping.  Hmm....nope.  She left and I looked over at the monitor and noticed this rather frequent rise and fall on the monitor.  Well, then I felt it.  I watched the little line rise on the monitor and felt a little squeeze right in time with it.  Contractions??  What???  The nurse came back after about ten minutes and told me I was having contractions (yes, we know), but luckily a quick little shot of medicine can calm those down at this stage.  After the shot (which apparently makes you jittery), everything stabilized as it should and we were able to be discharged with instructions for rest and water and when to call if all this madness happens again.  I laughed to James that the shot didn't make me jittery and then laughed at myself when I tried to sign my name on my discharge instruction forms.  My signature looked like a sixth grader's because I couldn't hold the pen still! 

After all this fun (read:  me near tears with James repeating that everything was going to be fine), James and I were able to grab some lunch and I have been resting all afternoon (with time to write the blog). 

I will be in my rolling chair for the majority of the day tomorrow.  

Cute little foot at 26 weeks:

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Here We Go....

The madness begins Tuesday.  Kids come back to school and it will be a daily grind straight through until Thanksgiving (we have Labor Day and a teacher workday before then...yikes!).  I have my comfy maternity clothes, compression hose (oh my goodness I'm going to be so HOT), and my new shoes ready to go.  Two good things about starting back (and no, neither is going to be a noble statement about how wonderful students are or influencing America's youth):  the time will go quickly because it will be very busy and college football starts.  We are within two weeks of Auburn's first game, and while I don't think the season is going to be quite as exciting as last season, it always makes for a fun Saturday.  War Eagle!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Large and In Charge

This week was pretty darn fun.  Which is good, because Monday starts a full week of work.  It truly started on Friday with inservice, but anyone can go to work for a day, right?  

Earlier in the week, my friend Hillary and I had an End-of-Summer layout day which caused some red shoulders, but was a wonderful way to spend a day before work started.  Friday started work, but we got a free Chick-Fil-A breakfast, a two and a half hour lunch break, and an ice cream party.  For a pregnant girl, there really isn't a much better way to go back to work.  Then Friday night, I saw The Help with my friend Lindsay (phenomenal, go read the book [because the book is always best] and then go see the movie, after you finish reading the blog, of course) and it lived up to every expectation I had for it.  THEN (oh yes, there's more fun) Saturday morning, I woke up early to go see my MTB (meant to be) friend Becky who happened to be a mere 3 hours away in Dallas (as opposed to 12 in Memphis).  She happens to be seven months pregnant to my six and we had a blast eating, sighing over how out of breath we get telling stories, eating, picking out matching outfits for our girls, eating cookies with frosting, watching movies, eating, taking pictures, shaking up our babies from laughing so hard, and taking pictures of us eating.  The pictures are only a sampling of our shenanigans.  Becky's husband Tucker was VERY patient as our photographer (thanks, Tucker).  Now to go to bed early to recover....typing has made me out of breath.

This is where the title of the blog came from.....(for me anyway, I don't speak for Becky). there something behind that tree?

Just us and our bumps (the inspiration for this came from an amazing pregnancy photo link)!

Matching outfits for the future friends!!!!
We're forcing them to meet already. :)  At least they didn't kick each other.

It should be noted that when I showed James ALL the pictures we took he said "Y'all aren't putting these on the internet where people can see them are you?"  Hence, the small selection.  :)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Stomach Virus and a Beach Trip...All in One Week

I'm writing the blog because it's more fun than writing a paper.  Procrastination is an art.

Week 23 was a little crazy.  It started off with a lovely 24 hour stomach bug, which is not fun in the best of circumstances, but especially when you're already tired at six months pregnant.  It came at a bad time too because it hit Thursday, and Friday I was supposed to head down to Galveston for our cousin Jacqueline's bachelorette party.  I ended up giving myself an extra day to recover and midday Saturday was headed south to the coast.  I had a blast getting to celebrate Jacqueline and can't wait for her wedding!!

I start back to work on Friday, which will start the long haul until Thanksgiving break.  Usually I'm ready for the school year to get started by this time of the summer, but knowing now that teaching gets (a lot) more difficult the larger my bump gets makes me not quite as excited. 

Aunt Joy sent a cute little bathing suit this week, so I had to put it on here....hopefully Baby G will enjoy the pool and she'll look super cute while she's swimming around!

We also have the nursery pretty much finished up, and I'm so glad that I won't have to worry about it once school starts!  Here are some pics...