Sunday, September 25, 2011

"Wow, you must be about to pop!"

Um, no, actually I'm not.  I seem to be eliciting this phrase or variations of it from random strangers or acquaintances that I haven't seen in awhile.  For some reason, the cashiers at the grocery store especially seem compelled to say something.  Maybe I look like I want to carry on a conversation at the end of the work day when I'm running errands, but, odds are, I don't.  I'm a little bit crabby, most likely tired, and almost certainly trying to hurry home because I'm hungry.  So there.

I'm being a little's really not THAT often people have been saying this to me, and, really, my stomach is big because Cami's healthy and getting bigger, which is awesome.  We can't wait to meet her and 10 weeks seems like a lo-ong time to go still!!  

This week would be Bailey's first birthday.  It's still crazy the journey we've been on in the last couple years, and we still are so thankful for having had Bailey, even for such a short time.  Cami is a constant reminder of the fact that God has a plan; if Bailey had been healthy, we probably wouldn't be preparing for Cami's arrival right now.  We are so blessed by both of our girls. 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Chubby Cheeks!!

We had our 28 week ultrasound yesterday (although, it was actually a day before I'm technically 29 weeks).  It was just a quick growth scan to check and see how she's growing.  We knew from our impromptu 26 week ultrasound that she was on track at that point.  She's grown quite a bit in three weeks.  At 26 weeks she was about two pounds; now they're estimating she's 3.2 pounds (which puts her about a week ahead of the game).  For those keeping track, Bailey was 4.2 lbs when she was born.  Something tells me this delivery may not be as easy.

Besides discovering her weight, we got to watch her for a bit and she put on a little show for us.  She turned her face right towards the "camera" and then stuck out her tongue at us and gave us a big yawn.  It was pretty cute.  When the ultrasound tech came back to her face later, she seemed to look like she was chewing, which made me wonder if she picked up my habit of chewing on my cheek I had (had?) when I was little (Becky, stop laughing).

Here's a picture of her chubby little cheeks:

She also now has a name!  It took awhile, but inspiration struck us one morning and her entire name came together pretty quickly.  She will be Cameron Elizabeth Galloway, but we have yet to decide on her nickname.  She'll probably go by Cami or Cami Beth (unless she's in trouble, then it's the full deal, but that will never happen...right?), but we can't decide between the two.  I'm sure we'll figure it out at some point.... :)

Sunday, September 4, 2011

A Full Week of School.....

....and no swollen ankles!!!  AND no hospital trips!  Yahoo for success.  Granted, I spend the majority of the day sitting down, and have given more than one powerpoint guided talk to the kids from a chair in the back of the classroom with my feet propped up on another chair.  Peppy, engaging teacher?  Perhaps not.  But, my kids this year are REALLY sweet (to the point that I'm wondering when something crazy is going to happen) and are being really helpful.  I haven't even needed to yell once.  Maybe slightly raise my voice (which, I'll be honest, I kind of like it when the kids say I'm scary when I'm means they're getting the point), but that's it. 

I had a follow up with my doctor on Tuesday....Baby G's HR sounded great and her kicks keep getting stronger and stronger.  All of last week my abs felt like they were trying to detach from my body with stretching so much, and then on Friday...poof, I think they gave up, because I was suddenly much more comfortable.  James thinks even though I'm not as heavy (yet) as I was with Bailey, my stomach is already almost as big, hence why I'm feeling so much stretching.  Hopefully the six pack I had before I was pregnant will return (haha).  In two weeks we have a growth scan ultrasound, and I'm glad I'll get to actually see the pictures, because I couldn't see the screen when they had to do an ultrasound at the hospital last week.

We've been putting stuff together too, and have almost everything ready for her to actually arrive.  I wanted to get this done WAY ahead of time in case a) I deliver early again (hopefully not) and b) because I'm insane and trying to work on a thesis and finish grad school.  I'll be defending my thesis about a week and a half before my due date.  Hahahahahaha.  That'll be interesting.

Since college football has started again we decided to be festive and take a photo in front of our AU sign.  If every game this season is like our first one, Auburn football might be enough stress for me to go into labor early.  Here's me and Baby G at 27 weeks....

I didn't want James to feel left out so I took a picture of him too.  I think he might be mocking me.....

Enjoy college football, everyone!  Thanks for continued prayers for us and for Baby G (who actually does have a name now by the way.....stay tuned). :)