Sunday, April 25, 2010

13 Weeks

Here is an update at 13 weeks. We had a doctor appointment on Thursday with genetic screening and an ultrasound. The genetic screening was to alert of us any possible issues based on our family backgrounds and data gleaned from the ultrasound. At this point, there were no issues. We got to see the baby jumping and moving around on the ultrasound, which was awesome! The baby has long legs (like Erin). The blood work analysis will be complete this week and we'll know the sex (within 99% accuracy, which is apparently better than the accuracy of the ultrasound at 20 weeks). All this means is Erin is calling the lab's 1-800 number 4 times a day to find the results even though the doctor said it would take 7 to 10 business days. I'll let you know this week what the results were.

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