Sunday, September 19, 2010

Week 34/33/32...I'm behind.....

So, school started and I haven't updated anything in quite awhile.  Except lesson plans.  And grades.  Brief synopsis of the last month:  I am tired and puffy. :)  Luckily, in week 32 some of our friends got us a maternity photo shoot, which was amazing and SO much fun, and that was immediately pre-puff.  It was actually the last day I got to wear my weddings rings; the following day my feet and hands started to look like someone had taken a bicycle pump to them.  I was a little concerned, given that puff can be associated with increased blood pressure, but when I went to the doctor this past Tuesday it wasn't too bad.  It has increased, but it's not up to any kind of unhealthy level.  I also got to hear Bailey's heartbeat again (I know this is a normal part of appointments, but I love it) and she's clocking in at a solid 150 bpm.  We also set our induction date, which will be October 26th.  It's crazy to have a date scheduled.  This weekend I washed her sheets and some clothes that we're going to take to the hospital to have her pictures taken in.  I'm trying to be prepared in case she comes early, but I'm also hoping she won't come early at the same time (and I know all the people who are flying in to see her join me in that sentiment).  During my appointment I also got the nurse to confirm that she's no longer breech, she's head down.  She still has time to flip around again if she wants, but hopefully she'll stay in this position.
Last weekend some of our friends from church threw us a blessing shower, which was such a great time to hang out and celebrate Bailey.  Somehow I think Bailey knew the party was about her because she kicked and squirmed her way through it, especially after I'd had some cake (ok, a huge piece of cake, which was delicious...).  And she actually let a few people feel her kick!  Usually the minute someone new puts his/her hand on my stomach she immediately stops moving.  But, a few others actually got to feel her.  I guess she was in a generous mood. :)  She's given me some of her strongest kicks yet in the past few days and is still squirming around and stretching like she's trying to make a point that she would like more room.
I'll post a picture or two sometime in the next couple days, b/c it's getting late and I need to get in bed so that I'm not already starting the week exhausted (which honestly doesn't matter; I'll be toast by Tuesday anyway).  As always, James and I thank you for your continued prayers!!! 


  1. My sweet Erin, this is a voice from your Auburn days. I used to stay at wherever you and Becky lived to go watch awesome swim meets.
    It is Aunt Marian (MaeMae) and I just read your entire blog. I laughed and cried and smiled and praised the Lord because I can see what the Lord has done for you and James. I am praying for Bailey and all of you. Becky keeps me posted and I was so excited to see the picture of the Auburn reunion. You look the same - sweet and beautiful. Trust Him, He loves you so much and no one loves Bailey more than He does. I love you too.
