Sunday, April 15, 2012

No, Thank You for Asking, But I'm Not Ten Months Old

It's well documented that Cami is a huge baby.  But, since she's my "normal", it's hilarious to me when we go out and about people are shocked that she's only 4.5 months old (we've been offered high chairs and kids menus...really?).  Yesterday, my mom and I took Cami to the mall and decided to give the whole front facing stroller idea a try (I may or may not have gotten a little teary eyed that she wasn't facing me).  Cami LOVED it.  She was showing off for people who smiled at her and smiled right back and basically had a grin on her face the majority of the ride.  It was a whole new world for her.
Another whole new world for Cami is the idea of "up."  She has become obsessed with looking at lights and fans, particularly dark ones.  It keeps me on my toes because she may suddenly decide to fling her entire body backwards in my arms to look up at one.  Usually, with a huge smile on her face like that light is her best friend in the whole world.
And the last whole new world for Cami is a more tedious one for Mommy and Daddy.  Cami has become super social.  She loves "talking" (she may or may not have said uh-oh and mama....we're not sure if it was an accident or not), smiling, has a crazy old man laugh, and examining everything is her range of sight.  While it's awesome to see her making connections and having fun during her awake time, guess what that means when nap time comes?  Yep, our super sleeper who loves to snuggle and she peacefully begins to doze in your arms now cries.  And thrashes.  And hits herself in the face (sigh).  All in the hope to get to stay awake.  Luckily, James (in his infinite lack of stress over crying that I hope to achieve one day), found a secret.  Don't react at all.  Don't shush, don't snuggle, and just keep rocking and she calms down quite a bit faster.  Quite behavioristic of him, and it seems to work.  I'm hoping this is just a phase and my little sweet snuggler will return to me for some quiet rocking in the future.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Four Months Old!

Cami's fourth month has had a lot of action.  She has met her "cousin" Bryce (even though they've met before, she actually looked at him and recognized there was another child present this time).  She has learned to roll back to tummy quite proficiently (even though she forgot she knew how for a week) and has become a tummy sleeper.  Now, the tummy sleeping thing is sort of by default.  Her preferred position seems to be her side, but she ends up falling to her tummy thanks to that darn gravity.  If you are a consistent blog reader, you know that Cami is not too fond of tummy time.  Since she can put herself there now (instead of being forced), it's not quite as bad, but when she's done, she's done.  The one (large) problem is, she's really struggling to find the coordination to roll from her tummy to her back.  Supposedly, it's harder to roll from back to tummy because it takes more strength and muscle.  Since Cami is a huge baby, strength really isn't an issue.  Coordination, however, seems to be. :)  So, we went through a few days where Cami would awake absolutely shocked to find herself face planted in the mattress and start crying.  We did our best to ignore this and she worked herself out to realizing it's really not so bad to sleep on her tummy.  And, if all conditions are right, she is learning to flip herself back. 
Cami also has four teeth pushing there way through her gums.  This makes for a little bit of a grump sometimes, but a little ______ (insert baby pain reliever of the moment) later, she's usually back to her smiley self.
We had the dreaded four month checkup last week (dreaded for me because I really hate those shots probably more than Cami does).  As we arrived, Cami was happy and smiling.  She wiggled her legs and blew bubbles and displayed her cuteness.  We were ushered back to the exam room and started to get Cami undressed.  No big deal.  Until they got her head circumference.  And then Cami seemed to remember that this head circumference thing that she has never liked seems to go with bad stuff.  Like thermometers up her bottom (dislike), and getting weighed naked and cold (dislike), and getting her hips all twisted around (dislike), and, of course the shots (despise).  Our seemingly tough and brave little doodlebug was reduced to a puddle of whiny tears from a mere head circumference measurement.  Luckily, the aftermath was not bad at all (especially since we didn't get in a car accident on the way home) and there was only a small fever and minimal whining that night.  Cami is also a healthy (and very large) baby girl (95% in weight, 100% in height) for which we are very thankful.
The evening of the four month checkup (after Cami was in bed), Aunt Megan, Uncle Jack, and cousins Ella and Hallie came to visit for the week.  We had an AWESOME week getting to visit and for Cami to get to know her family (and having Grandma and Grandpa babysit so we could go out for some fun!).  It is amazing how grown up my nieces are, and I only wish I hadn't had to work during the week so I could have played with them more.
The last milestone to document is Cami's first Easter.  Saturday we went down to Houston to hang with Cami's great-grandma and the Galloway side of the family and Sunday we had a fun day eating with Grandma at Cheesecake Factory in our Easter finest and hearing Cami's giggles and laughs.  Cami got a new lovey from the Easter Bunny (ok, she got it about three days early...she doesn't know....) because the doctor said she can have a small lovey in her crib at night.  She's growing up so fast!!!!  Oh yeah, and she held her own bottle yesterday for almost the entire feeding.  Crazy!

Pics from the last few weeks:

 Why hello there, other small person.  I hear they call you Bryce.

 Maybe if I keep laying here, Mommy won't get me out of bed.  6am is awfully early you know.  Hmmm, my paci started the night up here in the top left; how did I get it down there? Weird.

 Ok, Mommy, I know you're trying to document the day, but I just had shots.  I guess I'll still sit here and look cute, but I'd rather not have photos now, please.

 My cheeks got bigger overnight.

 So, Hallie, I know we're cousins and all, but I don't have a sibling and I'm not used to having to share.  Just wanted you to know that.  Remember, it's MY Baby Einstein.  Mine.

 I didn't have a morning nap, and then when I fell asleep on the way in here, you woke me up for this?  Flashing lights?  People jumping around trying to make me smile?  Well, we do look cute.  I love my cousins.

 Cousin Hallie swimming with her mommy!

 Cousin Ella ready to take some people down with her water gun.

 No running around the pool, please!!!

 What did I say before about sharing??

 Adorable?  Yes.

 I really look like I know what I'm doing with this spoon.  I don't.

 I think Ella might be mocking the whining Cami was doing over her teeth all throughout lunch.

 Are my eyes blue?  I'm not sure.

 Yes, I'm a blur.  So far peas, green beans, and squash are de-LISH!