Wednesday, June 12, 2013

First Set of Wings

Cami and I have just returned from our first summer adventure.  She and I (with little peanut) took her first plane trip (and trip in general) to Georgia.  Since Cami is, um, rather active, I was more than a little nervous about how she would react to the plane.  She was AWESOME.  She loved looking out the window at the other planes, the clouds, whatever there was to see.  And both trips ended up being in the middle of the day (thanks Delta for the five hour delay) and she cuddled into my shoulder and went to sleep like a pro.  I seriously couldn't have asked for better.  Cami proudly wore her wings from the flight attendant on both flights.  

Cami was also a rather flexible traveler on her sleeping arrangements.  She has not slept out of her own bed at night in about a year, and even then it was only two nights.  So, that was another concern of mine, that she would despise her pack n' play, despise being in a new setting and we'd be up all night for the whole trip.  Not at all.  Grandma and Grandpa hooked her up with a cozy mattress for her pack n' play (one I'm glad she didn't realize would make it extremely easy for her to escape if she wanted to) and she slept like a champ, even going from Atlanta to the lake.  She only woke up and cried for about five seconds the very first night (imagine me trying to flatten myself like a pancake so she wouldn't see me since we were sharing a room) and then put herself back to sleep.  

The funniest thing about our trip was watching Cami play with her cousins, Ella and Hallie.  She remembered them from their trip to Texas in April and was much more of an active participant in their play this time around.  In April, she was a little overwhelmed by the idea that her cousins wanted to play WITH her, not just around her, but not this time.  I think Ella and Hallie enjoyed how much more Cami is talking as well (although Hallie was not happy when Cami wrecked her tea party and got "baby slobber" on the tea cups....the term "disaster" was employed).  Cami picked up a lot from them, and in the course of six days, went from answering things by repeating me to answering occasionally with a yes, no, or ok.  She's also telling more "jokes", which is hilarious.  Her "whaaat?" after saying something silly cracks me up every time.  And she knows it.

BG3 (my current nickname for little peanut) also did well on the trip by only making me a little sick.  For the majority of the time I felt really good, and was super thankful for that.  I'm showing now to the point where people are asking me when I'm due as opposed to just looking at me wondering if I've gained weight.  We have our big midpoint ultrasound at the end of the month, which I know is the "fun" one for a lot of people....not quite fun for us, more of a nail bitter...but it will be nice to see how BG3 is progressing and find out if Cami will have a little brother or a little sister.  That way she can stop calling the baby "brother/sister" like we're doing now.  :)

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