Wednesday, December 4, 2013

What Memory?

They say pregnancy brain is a real thing.  And I suppose toddler brain is, too.  So, if you're pregnant with a toddler, what do you get?  Idiocy?  Lots of sentences that never get finished?  Something like that.

A couple weeks ago we had a growth ultrasound for Baby Sister (who remains without a name...).  The entire time leading up to the appointment, I was sure that I didn't have a 30 week ultrasound with Cami.  I even told the doctor I didn't have anything to compare Baby Sister's stats to because Cami didn't have one (to which I got a "Really?  Hmm.." which should have been my first clue I was wrong).  I went digging back through my blog posts though because I knew I'd gone to the hospital at 26 weeks and remembered having some sort of weigh estimate for Cami then.  Good thing I wrote stuff down because I had an entire entry about my 30 (well, 29) week growth check for Cami and how cute she was and how she smiled for the camera, etc.  At any rate, Baby Sister is just a smidge smaller than Cami was at this stage (although looks like her twin) and I have a feeling she's growing up a storm right now because my stomach constantly feels stretched to the max.

Cami is getting sweeter and sweeter with her little sister.  We were reading stories the other evening and Cami stopped looking at the book, turned, placed her hand on my tummy, and said "Want to feel Baby Sister move."  I've been asking her for awhile if she wants to feel it, but she doesn't usually have the patience to sit there for very long waiting for a kick.  She finished the entire storytime, though, with her hand on my tummy, waiting to feel it.

Apparently, I had too much of a pregnancy brain to finish and post's from a few months ago.  :)

Reagan's Birthday - 11.27.13

I'm trying to make sure I get this down before I forget any of the details.  Reagan is a week old today, and even though she's pretty much Super Baby as far as giving us sleep, I've discovered that time travels much faster with two children.  And my mind is split between two children, meaning there isn't any room for what would typically be considered coherent thought.  So, if this doesn't make sense, sorry.

Reagan missed her due date of 11.22.13.  It was pretty cold and, as I've learned, she despises any form of coldness (even a baby wipe, which really isn't even that cold), I think she knew how cold it was and was firmly wanting to stay in her warm bath known as my tummy.  I kept getting fooled by fake contractions that would go on for an hour or so and then just stop and, to top it off, I had a horrible cold.  Even though I was planning on working through my due date, I took off Thursday and Friday so I could get well and be ready to go for Reagan's arrival.

The Tuesday morning before Thanksgiving I had a 41 week check up (yes, 41 week check up), and my doctor decided to do an ultrasound to check Reagan's size.  Everyone had been telling me up to this point she might be 7 lbs, maybe 7.5 if she was "big".  I didn't really think this was the case, given that Cami was big and I felt like I had the same amount of baby in me, and I was right.  The ultrasound projected her to be 8lbs, 14 oz, and my doctor asked me if I wanted to induce.  Um, yes, please.  Dr. Laden was also going to be out of town for Thanksgiving, so this way I could have her there for delivery.  

We were told to report to the hospital Tuesday night around 6pm, and I figured if I started on Pitocin pretty quickly, Reagan might make it before midnight.  Nope.  I started Pitocin around 8pm or so and took F-O-R-E-V-E-R for things to progress (well, what seemed like forever....really I didn't have that long of a labor compared to some stories I've heard).  Reagan surprised everyone just like her sisters did and I went from 4cm dilated to fully dilated in the span of about an hour (of course, my nurse couldn't "find" my cervix for a couple hours....not too sure about her skill level...I don't think a cervix can leave and come back).  They paged my doctor, she showed up about 20 minutes later, and we were ready to get the party started.  

My whole pregnancy James has joked about how easy my deliveries were for Cami and Bailey and that maybe Reagan would be the same way.  I thought for sure this would mean I would have a horribly difficult delivery with hours and hours of pushing.  Luckily, though, Reagan was just as nice to me as her sisters and came out with one push at 4:40am.  

I was able to have more cuddle time with Reagan right after she was born because she came out screaming right away.  Cami had a lot of fluid in her lungs so they'd had to take her from me pretty quickly, but Reagan was crying up a storm, so we got a longer chance to snuggle with her and say hi before she was weighed and measured.  She clocked in at 8lbs, 10.1oz and 20.5" long.  They got her all cleaned up and brought her back to me and she got to eat right away and then conked out on my chest.  

A couple hours later James went back to our house to be there when Cami woke up and told her her baby sister had arrived.  She was so excited to meet Reagan and was super sweet right away when she came up to the hospital (or hopistal, as she kept saying at first).  My parents had taken her to pick out a balloon for Reagan and she was so proud to carry that in and give it to me.  Even a week later, all Cami wants to do is give Reagan hugs and kisses and "play" with her.  I'm so glad she still sees Reagan as a good thing even after it's clear she's become a permanent part of the family.

We are so blessed to have our girls.  It'll be fun to see the similarities and differences between them as they both grow up and continue to show us more and more of their personalities.