Monday, July 19, 2010

Week 25

Week 25 has started off as an eventful week!  Last week I went to Atlanta and Auburn and got to see my little niece Hallie get baptized and my 4 year old niece Ella swim at the pool.  It was nice to have time to relax and hang out with the family.  On Wednesday, my wonderful and amazing friend Becky met me at my parent's lake house and on Thursday we drove down to Auburn.  It was SO fun to go back and see our great friends there.  Luckily there were five of us from my graduating class on the swim team that were able to meet up and we just hung out and laughed and took pictures around Auburn.  Bailey got her first taste of strawberry cream cheese from Big Blue Bagel, which is some of the best stuff on earth (I know if you didn't go to AU you might think I'm crazy, but it's amazing, especially with bagel chips..mmm...).    The girls also got me a birthday cake (my birthday is this Thursday) and a prenatal massage which I am so excited to go to this week.

Today we had our follow up with the perinatologist.  Bailey is growing, which is a positive, but is still behind about three weeks in where she should be.  Most of the other things that the doctor saw before have stayed about the same.  It was hard to see the spot on the heart that the doctor was worried about at the last appointment, but she could see more clearly this time that the pulmonary artery and the aorta are joined as they exit the heart.  They branch off after they exit, but normally should be two separate arteries leaving the heart.  We also got a CD of all the pictures that have been taken at that office, which is really nice to have.

I have another appointment with our new OB on August 3rd.  We've made a switch to be a part of Texas Children's Hospital's Fetal Center, which gives us access to a higher level NICU downtown in the medical center.  He'll give us the plan from here on out when we see him.  I wish I didn't have to leave my current OB since I really like her, but it just makes sense to be where Bailey can get the best care. 
Thanks again for continuing to pray for us and for Bailey!


  1. We missed you on the lake Saturday but I'm happy to hear that you had fun. From personal experience, Bailey will be in great hands at Texas Children. The Doctors are amazing. We continue to pray for you all.

  2. It's nice to see old friends again, isn't it? I'm glad you had a wonderful visit. Bailey is so blessed to have you two for parents!

  3. It was AWESOME having all of us. I feel so fortunate to have gotten the chance to give you and Bailey a big hug in person. Keep us posted.
