Sunday, December 18, 2011

Education, Part 2

More things I have learned:
Cami doesn't have to be stripped down anymore to finish a bottle.  In fact, oftentimes we'll have to make her another ounce after she's finished an entire bottle.
Cami had her first bath and went back and forth between calmness and freaking out. 
Cami will put her hands on her cheek while she eats like it's very serious business.
I think she knows that my phone has a camera on it and that it's trying to take pictures of her; she'll stick her hand up in front of the lens for the majority of the photos (unless she's asleep).
I knew babies grew fast, but this is kind of ridiculous.
When she's really hungry, she'll spit her pacifier out and can get a pretty good range on that thing.
If her paci falls out when she wants it, and it falls on her chest, she can lean her head down and suck it back up into her mouth.
Tummy time is going much better.  Cami will lift her head up and fell asleep during it the other day and napped for over an hour.  Then, she flipped out when she woke up and realized she couldn't really move.
Cami tries to eat her bib when I'm trying to get it on her when she's hungry. 
Do you notice that most of these revolve around food?

 At some point we're going to have to teach her not to stick her tongue out at us..... :)

1 comment:

  1. It is AMAZING how much you learn about love, life, and all of the ins and outs of your unique little baby so quickly... SO happy for you. xoxo, Ash
