Monday, February 20, 2012

Little Miss Smiles

The biggest change in Cami this week are her smiles.  This little girl in one happy baby (unless she's hungry, as we've discussed several times before).  She smiles in the morning when we go get her, smiles after a nap (that's new, for sure), smiles while we're playing, smiles while we're changing her diaper, smiles when James put his hand on her tummy and shakes it, smiles when I say Da-Da, and smiles at new people (especially when they say she's cute).  She looks so proud of herself when she smiles and makes someone else smile in return.  We LOVE it!
Cami is also still trying SO hard to talk.  It looks sometimes like she is concentrating so much on what we're saying to her and loves it when we say her "words" back in return (more smiles).  So far she's accidentally said no, hi, okay, and mom.  It cracks us up when one of those random sounds ends up making sense with the conversation.  She can make an awesome "M" sound, so Mama may be coming up soon.
We've also started giving Cami an entire tablespoon of rice cereal.  She was eating so much the pediatrician's nurse told us it was too much and we should only be giving her 5 oz max every 4-5 hours. Hahahahahhaa.  That's hilarious.  Have you been around my child when she's hungry?  But, with increasing her rice cereal she's back in the "normal" range of formula.  We noticed this morning that she appears to have grown an inch and a half in a month so her little baby body needs some food!!!
Here are some of the cute pics of the week...

 Hey Mommy...isn't it a little early to be taking pictures?  I've only just had my 1st breakfast.
 Hey Mommy....isn't it funny that almost 12 hours later I'm making the EXACT same face???
 So, this cupcake situation is making me a little top heavy here.  As if this huge head isn't hard enough to move!
 Just to get the mail?  Really?
 I'm a big kid!  Just relaxing....watching a little tv.  Next maybe I'll go for a drive.  To the mall.  With my credit card.
 What does this onesie say?  We'll see about this in April.
 Breakfast at Black Walnut is SO much fun!!!!!!
 Grandma, cut it out!  I'm trying to watch tv (again).  But, if I were you, I'd want to take a picture with me too.
 Thanks for helping, Daddy, but I've got this. 
 Check out my hands!  I can play with thzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

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