Sunday, October 9, 2011

Herman Cain in America's Hometown

32 Weeks brought an exciting event to The Woodlands.  Herman Cain, one of my favorite potential presidential candidates, came to our local Barnes and Noble for a book signing.  The Woodlands (which deemed itself long ago America's Hometown....a bit cocky, but we'll go with it) is a little bio-dome devoted to a general love of capitalism, so I thought it was a good selection for him to make his presence known to Houston.  James and I both got to shake his hand, and I let him know that we love his 999 plan (look it up if you haven't already).  I, of course, wanted to get a photo with him, but there were so many people waiting to get their books signed, they were moving the line a tad too fast for that.  So, I had to settle for a pic of me (looking a little rough at the end of the day) with him in the background (red tie).  Maybe we'll get to tell Cami she was there when Mommy and Daddy shook hands with the President of the United States. 

Other "exciting" news of the week - my wedding rings still fit.  This was the week when I had to forgo my rings with Bailey, so it's nice that I can still put them on.  I've had a few more contractions here and there, but nothing to signify early labor (although my two weeks of "certainty" are up).  I have a doctor's appointment Tuesday, so we'll see if Cami has any surprises in store....

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