Saturday, February 11, 2012

Cami's New Groove

I went back to work this week.  Cami did amazingly well with the new schedule of wake up, eat, hop in the car seat, and head to Grandma's house.  I've teared up every morning as I've left for work when I get that big, gummy smile I love so much, but I have enjoyed being back with my friends at work.  It's also been fun to see that my mom and Cami are having such a blast together during the day.  I get to call during lunch and my mom holds the phone up to Cami and Cami smiles at my voice, which is pretty sweet (unless my mom is just fibbing to make me feel better). 
Cami also had what I can only assume is a growth spurt at the end of the week.  She's been roughly eating about 33 oz. since we added a tsp of rice cereal to her evening bottle.  Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday she ate 38.5, 41.5, and 40 oz respectively with TWO tsps of rice cereal added to her evening bottle Thurs and Fri (and an extra one during the day Friday for a nap a surprise, the girl doesn't want to nap).  She also slept until 6:45 this morning (and hopefully will tomorrow morning as well!) and got almost TWELVE hours of sweet baby sleep (which is good, since, as I mentioned, the girl doesn't want to nap).
We've started a cute little pre-bedtime routine routine of reading stories before we take Cami upstairs.  She LOVES her stories.  It is so cute to see a little, itty-bitty baby responding to stories and pictures in books.  She looks at the pictures, and sometimes gives her Sesame Street story a big smile, and tonight started talking back as I read her Guess How Much I Love You for the first time (I think she wanted to say Nutbrown Hare!).
Here are some pictures from the week....I got on the scale today with Cami and she's 14 pounds!!  Such a big girl!  Which reminds me, I never posted her stats from her 2 month visit.....13 lbs, 2 oz and 23.5 inches long.  90% for both!
 Hmmm....why are you looking at me, Crab?  You look like you're up to something...I'll keep my eye on you.
 Uh, Mommy?  We're inside.  Unnecessary.
 Yeah, this photo op is great and all, but do you notice what's missing from this picture?  My bottle.  In your hand.  Allowing me to eat.
Naps?  Who needs them?  Oh, I guess I do......

1 comment:

  1. She is so big and adorable!! I had forgotten about yalls blog until today so caught up a little and loves the pictures. I could so relate to some of your comments - ah the adventure into babyhood :). And sleeping babies!! Who knew it was such a chore to "teach" a baby how to sleep?! Looks like y'all are doing great!! I'll catch up with you later! Hope work is going good too :)
