Saturday, February 25, 2012

Show Me Cuteness!

Cami had her first professional photography session today.  Gigi and Papa D gave us a membership to the Picture People for Christmas and (as I'm always proud to save some money) we made out like bandits today as we left with a ginormous framed photo of Cami and probably about 50 prints (including wallets, but still).  We had membership perks, coupons, and a lucky special deal the store was running today.  Awesome.
But let's rewind momentarily back to the actual shoot.  As I wrote last week, Cami has become a smiley, smiley baby.  She's happy and easy-going and we love that about her.  So, a trip to the photographer where we're going to smile should be a piece of cake right?  WRONG.
Cami napped on the way to the mall.  Perfect.  She'd just had 8 oz (yes, we're still apparently overfeeding her, she's 15.5 lbs now, girl loves to eat).  Full tummy.  Perfect.  She woke up in the store smiling.  Perfect.  We got called back relatively soon after she woke up.  Also perfect.  I set her down looking adorable on the fluffy white cushion.  Per.....whoa.  One flash and our little smiler FREAKED OUT.  Our brave little "loud sounds don't bother me one bit" baby is bothered by a lightbulb.   This also made her quite uphappy with the nice photographer.  It seemed to be a quick association of "this person goes along with the flash - dislike!"  I picked Cami up, rocked her in my arms, gave her a paci, gave her FOOD.  Nothing.  The photographer had to leave the room and I let Cami bury her face in my shoulder.  Then things started to calm down.  We tried a couple more individual shots and, somehow, we got one of Cami giving James a grin.  It was between two sobs, but we got it.  Then we abandoned more cute poses for her and went to family shots.  She was a better sport about these as she started to get used to the flash with us holding her.  
The one good thing about the trauma we put her through was that she zonked out with Grandma in the stroller about 15 minutes after her session and that gave us plenty of time to sit and look through pictures and make our selections.  We were super glad Grandma was was like a boxing ring, but instead of mopping sweat and handing out water, she was trading out pacis and the burp cloth to mop drool.  
We'll do this again in another three months....hopefully Cami will give us more than one smile....

 Once again, I'll take this.
 Yo, yo, yo.  Chillin out max and relaxing all cool.
 My share of the national debt is WHAT????
 I didn't do it!!!  I promise!!  It was the Octopus!
 This still isn't fun, you know.  Put whatever toy you like down here, I'm not excited about it.

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