Sunday, March 4, 2012

Ahhhh! Too Much Going On!

I haven't gotten to update the blog in awhile because, as I've mentioned, I'm in grad school.  Grad school and a baby?  They don't really mesh.  I'm working on defending my thesis proposal, actually performing the research for my thesis and working on projects for two classes.  BUT it will all be over in May.  Phew.
Here's a quick run down....Cami learned this week that she can splash in the tub.  No more kitchen sink baths.  This was the first week that she seems to actually enjoy her exer-saucer.  She LOVES to stand (with support of course) and gaze over her people (whoever happens to be around).  And she is starting to nap well.  AND not minding tummy time so much.  AND figuring out her feet.  AND grabbing things with both hands.  AND hates lotion after a bath (yeah, I know...weird).  That's a lot going on for one little girl.  She is EXHAUSTED (me too) at the end of every day from all her discoveries.  She is cracking us up on a daily basis and we just love her to pieces.

 I'm getting the hang of this lifting the head thing.  My brain is heavy, you know!
 Ok, this time I actually am taking it from here.  For about five seconds.  Then you can have it back, Mommy.
 How many different ways can y'all prop me?  No matter, this ball is fascinating.  Colors AND a caterpillar...awesome.
 I see you Green Bear.  And I'm watching you.  Don't try any funny business.
 All the toys on this and the towel that props me up might be my favorite.
 Ha, Mommy.  Good luck showing me these supposed "toys."  I have my toy right here.  The towel, remember?  It's blue and I can hold it and stick it in my mouth.  So there.
I'm STANDING!!!!!!  It's so awesome!!!!  Now I can look down on you!
 Is it time for FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD?????
Chillin with my peeps at the Cheesecake Factory.  You know how I roll.

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