Sunday, September 25, 2011

"Wow, you must be about to pop!"

Um, no, actually I'm not.  I seem to be eliciting this phrase or variations of it from random strangers or acquaintances that I haven't seen in awhile.  For some reason, the cashiers at the grocery store especially seem compelled to say something.  Maybe I look like I want to carry on a conversation at the end of the work day when I'm running errands, but, odds are, I don't.  I'm a little bit crabby, most likely tired, and almost certainly trying to hurry home because I'm hungry.  So there.

I'm being a little's really not THAT often people have been saying this to me, and, really, my stomach is big because Cami's healthy and getting bigger, which is awesome.  We can't wait to meet her and 10 weeks seems like a lo-ong time to go still!!  

This week would be Bailey's first birthday.  It's still crazy the journey we've been on in the last couple years, and we still are so thankful for having had Bailey, even for such a short time.  Cami is a constant reminder of the fact that God has a plan; if Bailey had been healthy, we probably wouldn't be preparing for Cami's arrival right now.  We are so blessed by both of our girls. 

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE reading about your journey! Tell James hi, and keep taking care of the little angel in your belly :) I LOVE the name and both nicknames!

    -Elizabeth Wilson
