Saturday, January 14, 2012

Cutie Patootie

Cami showing her cuteness in all sorts of ways lately.  She is doing pretty good on lifting her head up (especially when she's annoyed...she gets about 1000x stronger), and enjoys Wobbly Head Time with Daddy (she leans her hands on James' chest and keeps her head up).  She's also eating a lot more and therefore burping and farting a lot more.  Which may not fall into the category of cuteness for some, but it's hilarious when her eyes get really wide after she farts or poops like she's surprised it just came out of her.  We're quite surprised what can come out of her too.....

Cami's also been great at going out and about.  After our first mall trip last week, she's been to the mall again, to church and Cheesecake Factory (all the waiters that know us from our seven years of Sundays there think she's adorable, of course), Starbucks, Texaco Express Lube (that one didn't go quite as well...I blame the cashier for disappearing and making us wait an extra 10 minutes...they were an important 10 minutes in Cami's world of extreme hunger), and Quiznos to meet Daddy for lunch.  

She's also had her six week growth spurt.  Cami usually eats around 30 oz per 24 hour day.  She's gone from doing this in very small doses to the larger amounts she eats now.  A few days ago she drank 43 oz!  I don't know where she put it all, but needless to say that seemed to coincide with the growth spurt.

Here's a little picture of her sitting like a big girl on the couch.  She's getting a lot better at doing this, and today when we sat her up, she started to tilt to the side like she usually does, but this time she put her fist down on the couch to help prop herself up.  She still couldn't hold it for too long, but she's figuring out she can use her legs and arms for stuff.  Tummy time isn't nearly as bad for her now that she can "doodlebug up" (aka, pull her legs in to her tummy).  She still gets impatient with it and is working on throwing her leg to the side to flip herself over, but can't get past her arm being in the way.  

All and all, she's SUCH a good baby and we're so proud of her!!  This morning James got a big smile when we picked her up at 2:30am and I got my own when I got her at 6am.  Pretty sweet.

 I have yet to capture her full smile.  It's like she knows when I have the camera out.  This is about half of it.
 Modified wobbly head time.
 Napping at Starbucks while we waited on my car inspection.  Trendy baby.
 And the best picture of the week....

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