Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Oh my goodness, it's 2012.  That means it's almost 8 years since I graduated from college.  12 years since I graduated from high school.  It's already been four years since the last Olympics, which seems like it was last summer.  What on earth??  

The last couple days have been big days in Cami's little world.  She had her first stomach bug (which was quite small, to be honest) and the incredibly patient nurse at our pediatrician's office (who must think I'm nuts for calling so much) assured me that it would run it's course (it did....a few outfits of washing poop off later).  Cami also got to go to Cheesecake Factory for the first time for our little Sunday routine.  I insisted on putting a blanket over her car seat so that the germy air would stay away from her and James thought it looked like we had fake baby ("There's a baby under this blanket, I promise.").  We have also ventured into the realm of napping in her crib during the day.  She's been an AMAZING night sleeper so far (thanks to my wonderful sis-in-law's sleeping advice!) for her age, but she's been just chilling with us in the living room when she's taking a nap.  So, using Megan's advice once again, I started putting her in her crib for a nap midday yesterday after two big hours of play time (we actually split our time now between playing and vaguely staring at the ceiling).  That lasted 30 minutes.  So then I thought, "She'll sleep in her bouncer; she's tired."  Nope, diaper blowouts don't lend themselves to dozing off.  Two MORE hours of play later, I had one sleepy/grumpy baby on my hands and I attempted a second crib nap.  This one lasted an hour.  Better, but not where we need to be.  Two MORE hours of play later I had one exhausted (that means pretty darn fussy) baby on my hands and she went down about 45 minutes before normal bedtime.  Luckily, Cami was so tired, she was able to sleep through the ridiculous amount of fireworks in our neighborhood and didn't wake up (we consider waking up truly fussing instead of just grunting and a couple cries) until 3am to eat.  We tried some crib napping again today, but we're not quite there yet.  I am determined to be victorious, though, in giving her a schedule of being a good sleeper/happy awake baby.  And while I imagine Cami will be fairly competitive given having two competitive parents, she gets it from us, so we'll win (hear that, Cami???).

I am currently listening to Cami make her sleep noises on the baby monitor (noises that I was sure meant she was wide awake and needing something about four and a half weeks ago) and they just fill my heart.  I also love seeing the smile on James's face when he hears them too.  Happy New Year for 2012....we're off to a happy start!

Does this photo have to be so close????

Not an empty carrier, folks.

My hand and Cami's little, itty bitty, baby hand.  So sweet.

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