Monday, January 30, 2012

Eating is my FAVORITE thing!

Cami likes to eat.  I think all babies do, but Cami seems to have a special knack for packing away a SERIOUS amount of food.  She's been averaging 35 oz for the past week or so, so we decided (obsessed over it for a week?) it was time to give her a little something extra.  Cami had her first helping of rice cereal with her bottle this evening.
Now, I know the jury is out on whether rice cereal in the bottle is a good idea or not, but, to be fair, Cami is already sleeping through the night on her own, she can sit supported in her pod chair, has pretty darn good control over her head, and she took some from a spoon before I gave it to her in the bottle (kind of wish I had that on video, super cute).  So, all the "indicators" of being ready for solid food are there, even though she's a little young.  And, even though she's a little young, she put on a six month onesie today and it fit.  And she stares at us while we eat.  Could be a coincidence, but there it is.
She is currently asleep upstairs, and she only ate this cereal about 30 minutes ago, so I could be eating my words tomorrow if she suddenly starts throwing up as it digests, but she seemed to LOVE it.  She started chowing down as soon as I gave it to her and it seemed like she knew there was something a little different about this bottle. 
Here are some pics from today....she had a super smiley day, but those smiles are still hard to capture (especially since she loves to give them during a diaper change when my hands are otherwise occupied).

 Checking out the Today Show

 I'm sure I could do at least as good of a job as Ann Curry.  Would they let me give the news from my Boppy??

 Ha, you keep trying to take a picture of me smiling.  It's hilarious.

 Mommy, have your people check with my people about this trip to Target later.  I'm not sure it'll work with my schedule.  Oh, you don't have people?  How sad.

 There is a bottle coming my way and I am ready for it.  Once the bib is on, I know what's about to happen.

 Is there food up there?  I'm just checking, but if there's food up there, I'd like some.

No?  No food?  You're sure?  Positive?  I'd like some.  Maybe a piece of cake?

Cami also went to the car show yesterday and was a CHAMP at wandering around in the Baby Bjorn.  We were on the go from 9:45am - 5:15pm and she didn't cry until right when we got home because she was hungry.  Super Baby.

1 comment:

  1. If you think she is ready for cereal than give her know her best. :-) And trust me, she will let you know if she isn't ready. Ha! I've had a doctor tell me that kids don't run fever with teething but oddly enough every single time Callie popped a tooth she ran fever. You know your child better than anyone else.
